Tuesday, December 10, 2013

the tale of a lonely leafsicle

What a resilient leaf ! How can I not be impressed by something that refuses to yield under such difficulties. All his leafsicle buddies left for warmer climates months ago. Why did this one particular leafsicle stay with me at my home through such terribly cold conditions ? I was working from home during our Monday ice storm that brought down power lines for many, many people. I remain warm in my cozy home and stare respectfully at all this liquidy ice. I looked outside into the frozen sight in front of me. All is hunkered underground or in it's hole, like me on this forbidding environment. But not this particular leafsicle. Thomas Edison and the warmth of his invention matters not to my tough guy. Clint Eastwood has nothing on him. The ice and wind lose the battle and the war to my lonely little icy friend. But since it is Christmas, I will name him Samson, for the Lord gives this leaf the strength of a great warrior. I snap this picture and hurry back into my warm home free of these bitter elements.I am glad to be nice and cozy inside. But whenever I venture out , I make sure to tip my hat each time I walk past this lone sentry.
Happy Holidays Samson the Leafsicle. Better you than me. Stay chilly my friend

*:P tongue

1 comment:

  1. really special photograph. and good job Samson for hanging in there !
